High school students statewide invited to World Food Prize Youth Institute

The World Food Prize announced recently the opening of the registration process for the 7th Annual Iowa Youth Institute. The Foundation invites all Iowa high school students to participate in the event at Iowa State University on April 30.

This event aims to inspire the next generation of leaders to pursue a career in fighting hunger by connecting students with non-profit and industry experts who are working to address critical issues in global food security.

To participate, students are asked to research a topic affecting food security in a developing country and propose their own unique solution to addressing hunger within the specified country. Students will present their ideas to world-renowned experts and engage in field immersions on Iowa State’s campus; designed to prepare them for hunger fighting careers in technology, agriculture, engineering, policy, nutrition and health.

All students who submit their solution and participate in the day-long event will automatically receive a $500 scholarship to Iowa State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and are also eligible to apply for paid fellowships through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The top Iowa participants will also be selected to join award-winning scientists, policy experts and industry leaders from around the world at the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute in October.

“The Iowa Youth Institute was one of the most influential experiences I’ve ever had. The students I met were so focused on helping others and it inspired me to pursue a career in fighting hunger,” Corgan Ball, Keokuk High School, said.

In 2017, the Iowa Youth Institute hosted students from 1/3 of all high schools in Iowa, totaling over 500 students and teachers. Since 2011, 54 percent of Iowa schools have participated in the Iowa Youth Institute. This one-day event is offered at no cost to teachers or students. The deadline to register for the Iowa Youth Institute is March 26. Registration and further details can be found at www.worldfoodprize.org/iowayouth.