Perdue states his support for RFS at Commodity Classic

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue stressed his support for ethanol and the Renewable Fuels Standard several times during his presentation at Commodity Classic in Anaheim, California.

Perdue said President Trump met with key senators this week and Perdue said the president stands with corn farmers and he stands for the RFS. Contrary to some reports Perdue said no deal was struck during this meeting.

“RFS is a huge part of corn demand,” Perdue said. “I will not support any policies in this country that diminish the demand, undermine RFS or are harmful to our agricultural producers. Anything you read or hear contrary to that is not true. The RFS has played a significant role in rural America increasing demand for a variety of crops, creating jobs and boosting the agricultural economy.”

Perdue has traveled extensively across America visiting 33 states is the last year since taking office and he said three topics, regulations, trade and labor, come up again and again. 

“I think this may be the most successful deregulation administration I have ever seen,” Perdue said.

One of the first regulations that Pres. Trump rescinded was the Waters of the U.S. This rule is being reworked in a reasonable way that makes sense. Pres. Trump issued an executive order which states thafor t every new regulation adopted two old regulations must be removed from the books.

“At USDA we are going to push for 28 final deregulatory actions this year that will generate $56 million in annualized savings,” Perdue said.

Perdue continues to stress the importance of the North American Free Trade Agreement to Pres. Trump. Perdue assured farmers attending Commodity Classic that the president does understand the importance of NAFTA.

“I believe we will get a deal that is good for American farmers,” Perdue said. “There is no doubt that Pres. Trump understands the importance of agricultural trade with Mexico and Canada.”

Perdue said that we have beef going to China for the first time in 14 years and are working on getting rice into that market for the first time ever.

Agriculture is caught in crosshairs of an emotional debate over legal immigration in this country.

“I have made it very clear to Pres. Trump that we need a legal reliable workforce in agriculture,” Perdue said. “I know that the H2A visa program is cumbersome, convoluted and we need an easier system. We are working with the president and Congress to get agriculture included in a comprehensive immigration bill.”

During a press conference that followed his presentation at Commodity Classic Perdue referred to the tax code and the Section 199A deduction. The language in the proposed change went beyond the intentions of Congress. 

“We want a fair proposal that will not disadvantage one business