Grassley joins delegation led by Ernst, Young in urging Trump against tariffs

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-IA, recently joined Sen. Joni Ernst, R-IA, and Rep. David Young, IA-03, along with Reps. Rod Blum, IA-01, Dave Loebsack, IA-02, and Steve King, IA-04, in sending a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to consider the consequences of imposing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum that could harm Iowa’s farmers and manufacturers.

Members of the Iowa delegation stated concerns that sweeping new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum “could set into motion a chain of retaliatory measures, hurting Iowans from the family farm to the family-owned manufacturing plant. Tariffs are a tax on families and hardworking Iowans cannot afford a trade war.”

The members emphasized Iowa’s “diverse industries which play a vital role in supporting not only Iowa’s economy, but the entire U.S. economy. Iowa is the second largest agricultural export state and shipped $10 billion of exports abroad in 2015 alone. Strong, fair trade favors American families and businesses and allows them to export their goods, which is critical for the farmers, manufacturers and insurers in our state.”