Kansas National Farmers Organization opposes poultry bill

The Kansas NFO board recently adopted a resolution opposing the poultry bill, SB 405, during their state board meeting in Salina.

The resolution supports more local control and zoning, rather than giving this to the state level which SB 405 does. Kansas NFO is also concerned about hidden unfair contracts that will hurt poultry farmers if this bill passes.

The adopted resolution reads as follows:

Whereas: The Kansas legislature is considering SB 405 removing control from local governments and relaxing standards for promoting expansion of corporate agriculture in poultry production.

Be it resolved: The Kansas NFO opposes relaxation of environmental standards and producer protections under current law. We also believe local people should control their local zoning and business expansion.

Be it resolved: We oppose SB 405 in its current form.

Kansas NFO is a general farm organization formed 56 years ago with membership covering multiple counties across the state. The focus is on group marketing strategies and contracting originated by farmers to provide market protection and advantages.