Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture hosting alumni reunion June 16-17

Alumni of the “Aggie” campus in Curtis will gather June 16 and 17 for an annual reunion of the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

“Everyone is invited to join us—from graduates and former students to their friends and family,” said Aggie Alumni Association president Dave Mehaffey of Bellwood.

“Aggie graduates might be from the high school era of 1913-1967, or those who attended after college programs started at Curtis in 1965,” said Mehaffey, who was named alumni president last June.

Invited alumni hail from four eras of the institution’s 115-year history as a high school and college. A volunteer board of directors guides the Aggie Alumni Association and hosts alumni events.

“Alumni meetings are rotated around the state to encourage more outreach and attendance and we return to campus in the even-numbered years,” Mehaffey said. Mehaffey is a 1983 graduate in agricultural mechanics from the University of Nebraska School of Technical Agriculture. He is the first president from ag mechanics.

For 35 years, he has worked in agricultural equipment and machinery sales joining Thoene Farm Services in Burwell last year.

NCTA Dean Ron Rosati encourages alumni to stop by the campus when in southwest Nebraska.

“Our students appreciate scholarships and mentoring from alumni and the faculty greatly rely on our graduates for academic input,” Rosati said. “We value alumni expertise and workforce opportunities for Aggie students.”

Reunion activities on June 16 will include campus tours, open hours at the Aggie Alumni Room in Ag Hall, a golf tournament and a trap and skeet match. The alumni awards and evening banquet will be at the Curtis Memorial Community Center.

The registration and schedule can be found at

For more details on the Aggie Alumni Association or June reunion, contact Catherine Hauptman, Vet Tech ‘03, at 308-367-5200 or e-mail [email protected].