OKC West Livestock market report

The OKC West Livestock, El Reno, Oklahoma, reported receipts of 1,350 head selling on March 27, compared to 7,263 head a week ago and 11,396 head last year, according to the USDA-Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Compared to a week ago, steer and heifer calves were selling $1 to $3 higher on limited comparable sales, with exception of 550 to 600 pound heifer calves trading sharply higher. Quality was average to attractive, demand moderate to good especially for thin-fleshed long weaned calves. The feeder cattle supply included 51% steers, 43% heifers and 7% bulls. The feeder cattle supply over 600 pounds was 19%.

Feeder steers: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1, 349 lbs., 202.50; 400 to 500 lbs., 177.50 to 186.50, 428 lbs., fancy 200.00, 469 lbs., fleshy 161.00; 500 to 600 lbs., 156.50 to 176.00, 592 lbs., fleshy 157.00, thin fleshed 174.00 to 184.00; 600 to 700 lbs., 155.00 to 161.50, calves 147.00 to 162.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 327 lbs., thin fleshed 187.50; 400 to 500 lbs., 154.00 to 172.50; 542 lbs., 167.50, 588 lbs., thin fleshed 162.00; 676 lbs., 146.00, 647 lbs., calves 147.50, 616 lbs., thin fleshed 160.00. Medium and large frame 2, 500 to 600 lbs., 148.00 to 150.00.

Feeder heifers: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1, 300 to 400 lbs., 162.00 to 167.00; 400 to 500 lbs., 165.00 to 168.00, 445 lbs., fancy 145.00, 425 lbs., fleshy 150.00, thin fleshed 162.00 to 172.50; 500 to 600 lbs., 142.00 to 155.50, 573 lbs., fancy 154.50, thin fleshed 156.00 to 162.00; 600 to 700 lbs., 140.00 to 144.00, calves 131.00 to 140.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 396 lbs., 167.50, fleshy 147.00 to 157.00; 436 lbs., 148.00; 515 lbs., 154.00, fleshy 130.00 to 139.00. Medium and large frame 2, 554 lbs., 141.00.

Feeder bulls: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1, 300 to 400 lbs., 190.00 to 202.50; 408 lbs., fleshy 165.00; 500 to 600 lbs., 154.00 to 160.00, 552 lbs., fleshy 140.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 399 lbs., fleshy 165.00; 400 to 500 lbs., 162.50 to 173.00; 600 to 700 lbs., calves 133.00 to 135.00. Medium and large frame 2, 545 lbs., 145.00.