American Agri-Women to meet June 3-7 in Washington, D.C.

Leaders of American Agri-Women from California across the Midwest, the South and Florida and will gather in Washington, D.C., the week of June 3 to 7, for the organization’s annual Washington, D.C. Fly-in. The Twentieth Fifth Annual Symposium hosted by AAW will be held at the United States Department of Agriculture Press Room, 107-A on June 4 from 9 am. to 11:30 a.m. This year the panel will discuss “Ag Trade: Critical for Agriculture. Critical for the United States.”

During the week, the group will meet with officials at the United States Department of Agriculture; Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies and with Members of Congress. The group will meet with representatives of the Republic of Korea at their Embassy in Washington, D.C. AAW will host their annual Congressional Reception on June 5 in the House Agriculture Committee Room.

Key issues the group will be working on include: International Trade, Renewable Fuels Policies; Agriculture Labor as it relates to Immigration Reform, Endangered Species Act; and the 2018 Farm Bill—including research funding and crop Insurance.

“It is our mission—and our duty—to represent and protect farmers and ranchers who produce food, feed, fiber and fuel for the world,” says AAW President Jeanette Lombardo of Ventura, California. “Our meetings are also an important way we educate legislators and policy-makers.”

For more information, or to join, visit Find AAW on social media at and