Governor vetoes wild rice bill

Gov. Mark Dayton recently vetoed HF 3280, a bill regarding sulfate standards for waters used to produce wild rice. The following is a statement from Dayton.

“Previously, I have urged Legislators to find a workable solution to Minnesota’s wild rice sulfate standards that would bring communities and businesses throughout Minnesota the regulatory certainty they need. Unfortunately, the bill sent to me, which would abolish any sulfate standard, is an extreme overreach. It would violate the federal Clean Water Act and ensure continued uncertainty from inevitable litigation.

“In 2011, the Legislature directed the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to develop a new sulfate standard, one that would both protect wild rice and also support jobs and economic development. In the remaining 12 days of this Legislative Session, I urge Legislators to forge that kind of responsible solution, which respects the federal law, provides needed regulatory certainty, and protects our priceless wild rice and water resources.”