Kansas City beef marketers open doors to young stockmen

Young producers from across the state recently spent time in Kansas City learning more about the animal health industry and how beef is marketed to consumers. Merck Animal Health, exclusive sponsor of the Kansas Livestock Association Young Stockmen’s Academy, kicked off the tour by hosting the class of 20 at its office in DeSoto. Staff from Merck gave attendees an overview of the animal health industry, provided a tour of the research farm and led a discussion on how to connect with various personality types to create strong and effective relationships.

YSA members got a firsthand look at various ways beef is marketed in the meatcase while visiting Bichelmeyer Meats, The Local Pig and Whole Foods Market. The Bichelmeyer family has been providing hand-cut meat to consumers for more than 70 years. They have their own harvesting facility where they process 10 to 12 cattle and 20 hogs per week. Joe Bichelmeyer said the beef is dry-aged 14 to 21 days for added flavor and tenderness.

A stop was made at Associated Wholesale Grocers, where the class toured the warehouse and coolers. AWG is the nation’s largest cooperative food wholesaler, serving more than 3,800 independently owned supermarkets. Beef is one of the company’s top value items sold.

In addition, YSA members had the chance to visit with consumers about how beef is produced while distributing Kansas City strip, ribeye and roast beef samples at two Hen House grocery store locations. The young producers answered questions about animal health, production practices, beef nutrition and cooking methods.

The group also heard from Bartlett and Company staff about risk management in the cattle and grain businesses. Kansas Beef Council staff provided information on how checkoff dollars are used to educate chefs, dietitians and consumers about how beef is raised and its nutritional value.