Colorado Chronic Wasting Disease Advisory Group looking for input on a tough challenge

A new advisory group is taking on a tough challenge in Colorado: Chronic Wasting Disease.

The Colorado Chronic Wasting Disease Advisory Group recently held its first meeting in Broomfield to begin advising Colorado Parks and Wildlife in developing disease management recommendations for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission.

Chronic Wasting Disease—an infectious prion disease affecting at least four important native species—poses a significant threat to the future health and vitality of free-ranging mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose populations throughout 26 states and provinces in North America. A growing body of evidence suggests that unchecked CWD epidemics can impair long-term sustainability of affected populations.

CPW recognizes the need for an agency plan for responding to CWD. CPW is looking to the new advisory group to inform the development of its CWD Response Plan and ensure that various stakeholder interests in CWD are adequately represented. When completed, the CWD Response Plan will detail an adaptive approach to managing herd populations to manage CWD prevalence in Colorado’s herds.

The CWDAG will hold monthly meetings through July 2018 to help CPW finalize the draft response plan. The draft plan will be presented to the CPW Commission in September, with the hope of adopting a final plan in November 2018.

Sportsmen and other interested members of the public are invited to attend and provide feedback to the group at its meetings. The schedule for these meetings is posted below and details will be posted on CPW’s website at

CWDAG Meeting Schedule includes June 14 from 1 to 5 p.m.; June 15 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Summit County Community & Senior Center in Frisco; July 6 (optional, on if-needed basis); July 25 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Summit County Community & Senior Center.