Indigo Ag releases preliminary cotton data

Indigo Ag, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, has released preliminary data from its second commercial season in cotton. Indigo Cotton demonstrated an average yield gain of 14 percent in commercial fields of west Texas. This is an improvement upon the 2016 season, Indigo Cotton’s first commercial launch, in which the average yield gain was 11 percent in a similar environment. Data from the 2017 Indigo Cotton harvest has thus far been collected from 23 commercial fields across Texas, comprising over 2,500 acres. Yield increases were evaluated based on the control; cotton grown in adjacent fields from seeds without microbial treatment; and were achieved without increased water or chemical application. Seed variety and management practices were consistent across fields. Indigo Cotton’s overall win rate in west Texas was 91 percent, with yield increases seen on both dryland and irrigated acres. These results are consistent with five years of company field trials. The 14 percent average yield gain demonstrated represents an additional $68 per acre for U.S. growers producing with Indigo. For more information, see a representative or visit