Market seems to find temporary lid

It seems the retailers or packers have been doing a very good job of keeping a lid on the cattle market.

And a lot of cattle feeders say they think we have to get through a couple of more months before we get a big push in the market. However, on Tuesday, cattle futures had a good rally. This week there are still quite a few cattle at the auction with Oklahoma City having a big sale. However, they were shut down the week before for Memorial Day.

I have said this for a couple of weeks but I definitely think this is the last big week for feeder cattle runs.

I talked to a customer on the Oklahoma-Texas line that said there are no more feeders left in their country. But I would say I was trying to locate five trucks on the spur of the moment to load cattle on Wednesday. I finally got the trucks but had to call around a lot to get them. I see several feeder buyers buying all sizes but a good share of those 500-pound heifers are going into the feedlot.

I think they realize numbers will soon be scarce and also they will get fat at a later time. There are very few heifers being saved for cows in our area because of the early drought. The grass finally looks good in my area. I hear a lot say that it is awful hot and it is but it is summer.

Keep praying for rain as we are not good farmers or ranchers without it.

A couple had their first baby. After a week went by, the mother ran to the store leaving the father watching their baby. When she came home the baby was crying terrible. The mom checked the baby and said, “Why don’t you change his diaper?” He said, “I looked at the box and it said good up to 8 pounds.”

I hate to pick on blonde women because a blonde would usually get my attention first. And come to think of it maybe that’s the reason we have more in common.

A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station and tells the mechanic it died. After he worked on it for a few minutes it was idling smoothly. She says, “What’s the story?” He replies, “Crap in the carburetor.” She asked, “How often do I need to do that?”

A blonde lady entered a swim meet and came in dead last. So she went up to the judges and said, “I have a complaint. We were supposed to be doing the breast stroke and a lot of those women were using their arms.”

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.