Winter Livestock cattle sale report

Winter Livestock, Dodge City, Kansas, reported receipts of 1,954 head on June 13, compared to 1,856 head last week and 1,290 head last year, according to the USDA-Kansas Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Dodge City, Kansas.

Compared to last week’s light test, the feeder steers weighing 650 to 900 pounds were selling $1 to $5 lower. The feeder heifers from 600 to 900 pounds were steady to $4 lower on an extremely light test. There were not enough steer and heifer calves of medium and large frame 1 for a future market test. The slaughter cows and bulls were steady to $2 lower. The trade was slow and the demand was light. The feeder supply was 90% steers, 10% was heifers with 86% weighing 600 pounds and over. The slaughter cows and bulls were steady to $2 lower.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 6 head, 607 lbs., 159.00 calves; 655 to 678 lbs., 152.00 to 153.00 (152.31); 721 to 731 lbs., 147.25 to 149.00 (147.74); 765 to 787 lbs., 138.50 to 139.85 (139.12); 763 to 783 lbs., 144.00 thin fleshed; 800 to 823 lbs., 138.00 to 141.00 (139.91); 863 to 883 lbs., 132.00 to 134.25 (133.04); 80 head, 907 lbs., 130.75. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 7 head, 471 lbs., 171.00; 17 head, 519 to 531 lbs., 161.00 to 165.00 (162.91); 661 to 677 lbs., 146.50 to 148.25 (147.09); 726 to 743 lbs., 140.00 to 146.50 (145.06); 811 to 842 lbs., 132.00 to 137.60 (137.18); 6 head, 899 lbs., 126.25; 925 to 944 lbs., 119.50 to 124.25 (122.86). Medium and large frame 2, 3 head, 480 lbs., 163.00; 7 head, 512 lbs., 156.00; 10 head, 582 lbs., 150.00; 5 head, 605 lbs., 140.00; 3 head, 751 lbs., 129.00; 6 head, 944 lbs., 116.00. Large frame 1, 49 head, 1032 lbs., 119.75.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 2 head, 155 to 190 lbs., 325.00 to 335.00 (330.51) per head; 8 head, 389 lbs., 172.50; 482 to 496 lbs., 160.00 to 166.00 (160.28); 16 head, 505 lbs., 154.00; 37 head, 562 lbs., 152.00; 6 head, 606 lbs., 140.00; 725 to 734 lbs., 131.00 to 135.25 (133.57); 750 to 792 lbs., 130.10 to 130.75 (130.16); 9 head, 805 lbs., 124.00; 4 head, 873 lbs., 117.00; 13 head, 901 lbs., 117.25. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 8 head, 561 to 563 lbs., 143.00 to 145.00 (144.00); 625 to 640 lbs., 131.00 to 138.00 (135.84). Medium and large frame 2, 4 head, 627 lbs., 122.00.

Slaughter cows: Breaker, 75 to 80% lean, 58.50 to 59.00; high dressing, 62.00 to 66.50. Boner, 80 to 85% lean, 52.50 to 62.25; high dressing, 63.00 to 68.50. Lean, 85 to 90% lean, 52.00 to 62.50; high dressing, 65.00 to 71.00; low dressing, 40.00 to 49.00.

Slaughter bulls: Yield grade 1 to 2, 80.00 to 84.00; low dressing, 68.00 to 76.00.