A People Living Free

A Prayer for  Independence Day

I pause to thank you Lord

for what my country means to me.

We abound in Your great blessings.

We’re a people living free.

Thank you for our founding fathers

who would bow on bended knee

to just one King, a carpenter,

who walked the hills of Galilee.

We’ve been a favored nation

dwelling in a favored land,

gifted with prosperity,

protected by Your hand.

You have raised up patriots

who paid our freedom’s price,

men and women in war and peace,

who would make the sacrifice.

Forgive us our trespasses

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when we speak pleasures of this earth.

Revive in us the spirit

That gave our nation birth.

Convict our collective conscience

when we let selfishness erase

respect for all our people,

regardless of creed or race.

As we celebrate together

on this Independence Day,

give us strength for action,

not just for words we say.

And, until Your Son comes 

back again,

we ask Your help to be

guardians of our legacy,

a people living free.

Editor’s note: Joe Kreger writes from his home in Tonkawa, Oklahoma. His CDs are available from the Journal by calling 1-800-954-5263. For personal appearance information, call 1-816-550-6549.