SD Stockgrowers to host meetings and street dance

South Dakota Stockgrowers Association, in partnership with Moe’s Bar and Grill, will host a street dance featuring the band Badger Horse in New Underwood on June 30. The day will consist of association meetings, supper and street dance that are open to the public.

"I put a membership challenge out to our directors, with the region recruiting the most new members being able to select a town for us to throw a party, in conjunction with our summer board meeting. The membership drive was very successful and we decided New Underwood would be a great place to host this celebration," said Deering, SD Stockgrower President.
The day will start with a SD Stockgrowers Association Board of Directors meeting at 1pm at the New Underwood Community Center. That meeting is open to any members of the association. Supper will be served at Moe’s Bar and Grill at 5:30pm and Badger Horse will be kicking off at 7pm.The supper and street dance are open to the public and everyone is invited to attend.
"The New Underwood community has been extremely welcoming in getting this event set up and we are excited to npt only have our meeting here but also to invite everyone for a party," said Scott Edoff, SD Stockgrowers Vice-President.
This will also serve as a way to say goodbye to long-time Stockgrowers Executive Director Silvia Christen as she will be leaving the Stockgrowers after this meeting. "Silvia has done a lot for our organization, as well as the entire livestock industry in the nine years she has been with us. She will be greatly missed and we wish her the best as she moves on to new opportunities," said Deering.
"This should be a fun night for the whole family. We hope to see everyone in New Underwood on June 30," said Edoff.