Home of promise

What makes my hometown great?

I was born in the hospital in Jetmore, raised on a farm 3 miles east of town, and still live in Jetmore.

There are two small towns in Hodgeman County, Jetmore and Hanston. When I was growing up the towns were great rivals, but because of declining enrollments, the school in Hanston closed and now the only schools in the county are in Jetmore. The two towns cooperate to make the whole county great now!

An example of the cooperation among groups in the county is each December when many of the churches get together to put on a Journey to Bethlehem. The second weekend of December around a 1,000 people come from hundreds of miles around to take a journey to Bethlehem. As they travel they meet shepherds with sheep, wisemen with camels, a tax collector, a census taker, go through a bustling marketplace, and meet Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. It takes around a hundred people from the churches to put on the Journey.

I love to see everyone cooperating to put on something so wonderful.

David Hubin can be reached at [email protected].