Inspection and testing ensures accuracy of grain moisture meters

The weights and measures program at the Kansas Department of Agriculture has announced that they have renewed efforts to ensure accuracy of commercial grain moisture meters across the state. KDA inspectors have been working with industry and service companies throughout the spring and summer to emphasize the importance of annual testing.

As of July 1, commercial grain moisture meters that are used to determine grain moisture dockage must have had an inspection and test performed by a licensed service company within the past year. Inspection and testing will need to be performed at least once every 365 days thereafter. KDA inspectors will determine, during their routine inspections, whether grain moisture meters are present and if used commercially the inspectors will verify the required inspection and test have been performed.

At the time of the inspection the service company is required to leave an inspection report which must be kept on site for five years. The service company shall also keep a copy for five years and send a copy to KDA. A list of service companies licensed to inspect and test grain moisture meters in Kansas can be found at

Inspecting and testing moisture meters will protect equity in the marketplace, ensuring both sellers and buyers are getting accurate grain moisture measurements which meet industry standards. Commercial grain moisture meters can be found at grain elevators, feed lots, flour mills, feed mills, food processing plants, and ethanol plants. Grain moisture meters may also be considered commercial for some farm uses such as determining crop shares or determining grain storage or handling fees in some cases.

The weights and measures program plays an important role in KDA’s mission to serve Kansas farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses and provide consumer protection. For more information please contact Doug Musick, KDA weights and measures program manager, at [email protected] or 785-564-6681.