New Mexico Department of Agriculture accepting proposals for funding opportunity

The New Mexico Department of Agriculture is accepting proposals from anyone in the New Mexico agriculture industry interested in advancing an innovative concept or marketing and promotional idea.

A total of $40,000 is available through the 2018 Agriculture Development and Promotion Funds Program. Individuals, as well as groups working on joint initiatives, are eligible to apply. Aug. 15 is the deadline for proposals.

The ADPFP was designed to promote agricultural growth and rural stability, maintain or increase market share for products already on the market, develop markets for new products and develop value-added products.

Funds may be used to support specialty crops, including fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops, as well as marketing efforts of the livestock industry, including beef, sheep and wool, poultry and other livestock.

Projects that are outside the normal realm of the businesses’ current activities and have the potential to impact others will be looked at more favorably. ADPFP funds have been used for feasibility studies, promotional and advertising campaigns and field trials/days. Start-up costs and the purchase of land, equipment and buildings are not eligible expenditures.

“I encourage current and potential New Mexico producers, processors and other agribusinesses to apply for these funds,” New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture Jeff Witte said. “This program provides assistance and opportunity for our local companies to expand their marketing footprint across the state, nation and world.”

Interested in applying? Contact the NMDA Marketing and Development Division at 575-646-4929 or [email protected]. A brochure is available at, and an application template is available on the website by selecting divisions, then marketing and development, then competitive grant programs. Funding announcements will be mailed by Sept. 5.

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