2018 Kansas State NCK Fall Field Day set for Aug. 21

Join the River Valley Extension District and Kansas State University for the annual Kansas State University North Central Kansas Fall Field Day on Aug. 21 at 6 p.m. The Fall Field Day will take place at the KSU Experiment Field in Belleville, located 2 miles west of Belleville on Highway 36. KSU Extension specialists Ignacio Ciampitti, cropping systems specialist, along with Christopher “Chip” Redmond, KSU Weather Data Library/Mesonet manager, will lead the event.

Tour topics will include “Mesonet 101” regarding the Kansas Mesonet weather information website, as well as the new weather station that has been recently constructed at the Belleville location. We will also be taking a look into seed rates for optimizing yields in soybean, corn and sorghum row-crops. Lastly, we will discuss the soybean sentinel plot for dicamba drift symptomology and we will review dicamba drift across Kansas from 2018.

This is a free event (no registration required) and there will be catered meal to follow the meeting. For more information, contact agronomist-in-charge Andrew Esser at 785-335-2836 or River Valley Extension crop production agent Tyler Husa at 785-243-8185 or [email protected].