Sara Wyant to present leadership lecture at Iowa State University Oct. 2

Sara Wyant, president and founder of Agri-Pulse Communications Inc., the nation’s largest communications firm focused on agricultural and rural policy issues, will present the 2018 William K. Deal Endowed Leadership Lecture Oct. 2 at Iowa State University.

She will present, “Unlocking your inner entrepreneur: How one of the luckiest days of my life was when i got fired from a job i loved,” at 7:30 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union on the Iowa State University campus. The event is free and open to the public.

As a veteran farm policy reporter, Wyant is well recognized on Capitol Hill and with farm and commodity associations across the country. Agri-Pulse maintains offices in Washington, D.C. and Camdenton, Missouri. The firm’s newsletter and website include the latest updates on farm policy, commodity and conservation programs, trade, food safety, rural development and environmental and regulatory programs.

She has received national awards and accolades from the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, North American Agricultural Journalists, Folio, United Soybean Board, American Agricultural Editor’s Association, FFA and American Future of America.

Wyant earned a degree in journalism and mass communications from Iowa State in 1980. She grew up on a farm near Marengo, Iowa.

The late William K. Deal, an Iowa State alum with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural education, established the lecture series to help prepare future leaders and innovators in agriculture. The lecture is organized by the Department of Agricultural Education and Studies in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and co-sponsored by the Committee on Lectures funded by the Government of the Student Body.