Registration opens for ag lender seminar

Agricultural lenders know it is vital to stay current on trends.

University of Missouri Extension offers a workshop on “Financing Agriculture in Changing Times” in Jefferson City on Nov. 28.

It will be from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Lincoln University’s Carver Farm, 3804 Bald Hill Road, Jefferson City.

The seminar targets lenders who maintain or develop agriculture loan portfolios. Lenders receive the livestock and crop commodity outlooks for the coming year and hear updates on current farmland prices and rental rates.

Dean Volenberg, MU Extension viticulturist, tells about trends in the grape and wine industry. Extension economists Scott Brown and John Kruse give the livestock and grain outlooks. The USDA Farm Service Agency presents updates. Extension ag business specialist Patricia Barrett shares current land rental trends and extension natural resources specialist Sarah Havens offers insight on weather and timber values.

The $50 fee includes the seminar, lunch and a booklet. Make checks payable to University of Missouri Extension in Cole County and send to 2436 Tanner Bridge Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

For more information, call 573-634-2824 or email [email protected].