Promoting mental health in rural areas

Unpredictable weather, falling net farm income, spotty health care services and a host of other factors can make for incredible stress on farms and in rural communities. Many of the factors causing sleepless nights are beyond an individual’s control, yet there are often ways to manage the stress, according to North Dakota State University family science specialist Sean Brotherson.

“People will power through even if they don’t feel well,” Brotherson said, speaking at a recent K-State Research and Extension workshop in Manhattan. “There’s a cost to that. You can’t put your health or relationships on the back end for long without consequences.”

The most important asset of any agricultural operation is the health and wellness of the farm operator, said Brotherson. “Sustainable farming includes sustaining the farmer,” he said.

Farming and ranching ranks in the top 10 of the most stressful occupations. That stress can lead to depression, anger, health concerns, failed marriages, loss of friendships or relationships with family members, alcohol or substance abuse or worse.

“When we talk about farm safety, we often talk about accident prevention but we tend to neglect talk about mental and emotional health,” Brotherson said, adding that’s a mistake.

The way we think about and approach stressors makes up 40 to 50 percent of our stress, Brotherson said, noting that if people believe there will be a rough road ahead from an economic standpoint, the thought of what might be coming can produce anxiety.

“Stress signals are like the warning lights blinking on your truck’s dashboard,” Brotherson said. “We often want to ignore them but at some point there is a price to pay–a heart attack, broken relationships, depression or worse. You maintain your car to keep it running properly. You have to maintain your health, too.”

Coping strategies include things that help you unwind, Brotherson said. Listen to music at least some of the time, rather than farm news, political ads or other news. Take a walk, garden, meditate, watch a movie or schedule regular social time with friends. One participant shared that her brother who farms has for years gone into town to play basketball several times a week.

Other suggestions include:

  • Exercise at least 20 minutes a day–walk, bicycle or swim.
  • Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.
  • Take time every day to reflect on good things in your life.
  • Write your thoughts in a journal.
  • Spend 30 minutes doing something with your hands.
  • Learn something new or restart a hobby or activity that you once enjoyed.
  • Reach out to someone for support or help–a friend, a counselor, a loved one.
  • Volunteer to help with a cause that’s important to you.
  • Do random acts of kindness.