Oklahoma State wheat field day set for May 10 in Lahoma

A wide range of information about crop varieties, markets and best management practices will be featured at the Oklahoma State University Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources’ Wheat Field Day near Lahoma on May 10.

The May 10 event will take place at Oklahoma State’s North Central Research Station west of Lahoma, which itself is situated just west of Enid on Highway 60. On-site registration to the free and open-to-the-public field day begins at 8:30 a.m. Program sessions will begin at 9 a.m. and run through the morning. A sponsored free-of-charge lunch will be provided to participants.

“This highly popular annual wheat field day is an excellent opportunity for growers to evaluate wheat varieties in the replicated performance trial, compare them to others and what they have growing, and even get new ideas about wheat varieties they may want to try in the future,” said Jeff Edwards, head of the OSU Department of Plant and Soil Sciences.

Edwards added participants will hear from and be able to ask questions of and interact with OSU experts who will provide research-based insights about improved varieties and best management practices crucial to getting the most out of one’s crop.

Kim Anderson, OSU Cooperative Extension grain marketing specialist, will provide tips and market factors important to selling wheat during periods of relatively low prices.

Brian Arnall, OSU Cooperative Extension precision nutrient management specialist, will speak about methods and sources relative to nitrogen application.

Josh Bushong, OSU Cooperative Extension area agronomist, will lead a discussion about industrial hemp in Oklahoma.

The tag team of Seth Byrd, OSU Cooperative Extension cotton specialist, and John Long, OSU Cooperative Extension agricultural engineer, will share the latest insights about cotton management in northern Oklahoma.

Amy Hagerman, OSU Cooperative Extension agricultural policy specialist, will take participants through key provisions in the most recent farm bill.

Josh Lofton, OSU Cooperative Extension cropping systems specialist, will provide the latest information about soybean population in Oklahoma.

Brett Carver, OSU Wheat Genetics Chair and leader of the university’s Wheat Improvement Team, will update participants about ongoing wheat breeding efforts and results. The most popular wheat varieties planted in Oklahoma in recent years were all developed by Carver and his fellow scientists.

Bob Hunger, OSU Cooperative Extension wheat pathologist, will provide a timely and relevant update about wheat diseases. 

“It is always important producers are aware of the recommended measures to control or at least mitigate a disease outbreak, many of which revolve around planting time practices and variety selection,” Hunger said. “Attending the field day is a good way to review key aspects.”

Misha Manuchehri, OSU Cooperative Extension small grains weed specialist, will provide the latest research-based information about new herbicide systems with winter wheat.

Alex Rocateli, OSU Cooperative Extension forage systems specialist, will speak about the pros and cons of introducing summer-grazed cover crops into winter wheat systems.

Tom Royer, OSU Integrated Pest Management coordinator, will provide insights about how to get the most out of topdress insecticide combinations, focusing on benefits and sound decision-making for specific operations. 

Jason Warren, OSU Cooperative Extension soil and water conservation management specialist, will share the latest research-based insights about terrace maintenance.

The 2019 Lahoma wheat field day is made possible by OSU’s two state agencies: The Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. The popular annual field day also receives support from area agribusinesses that helps offset the cost of lunches and refreshment breaks.

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“Wheat is the most important agronomic crop in Oklahoma for grain and grazing,” said Keith Owens, OSU associate vice president for the statewide Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station system. “Weather patterns; insect, disease and weed pressure; and market volatility change every year. The North Central Research Station at Lahoma is a premier station because of its location, and for its long history of research results that provide on-the-ground benefits for wheat growers and related agribusinesses.”

The Lahoma station consists of 143 acres and is located in the heart of a key wheat-producing area of Oklahoma from the standpoint of soil types, precipitation, temperature and elevation.