
Read Psalm 56:3-11

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

—Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Recently at the Christian food pantry where I help, we held hands in prayer for a fellow volunteer who was about to begin a strenuous series of surgical procedures to help alleviate some of his symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Our prayer was for healing, but more importantly, we asked for God’s will to be done as well as comfort for him, his wife, and his family.

Cliff, who was leading the prayer, said something that made a deep impression on me, “God, we trust you with our salvation and our eternity; surely we can trust you with this.”

How often do I worry that God is not going to handle the situation or take care of the problem? How often do I not even take it to the Lord, wanting to address the problem on my own?

Our scripture today says to submit all to the Lord, who will direct our life. God can handle all situations—large and small. If I trust God to take care of my eternal life, how can I possibly not trust God to take care of all the smaller things in my life too?

Prayer—Dear God, thank you for caring for us in each and every situation. Help us to accept your care with gratitude and to put our trust in you. Amen.

Thought for the Day—I can trust God today and always.

—James Leyrer, Ohio