It is important to provide the latest information on beef cattle production, marketing, economics, nutrition and forage utilization, according to Patrick Davis, a livestock field specialist with University of Missouri Extension.
Extension services in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas are providing a joint conference titled the KOMA Beef Cattle Conference. This year’s Missouri portion of the conference begins at 4 p.m., Feb. 18 at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center in Springfield, Missouri.
Extension services from Missouri and Oklahoma will provide speakers for this event.
David Lalman, professor, Harrington chair and Extension beef cattle specialist, Oklahoma State University, will present "Managing for weaning weight vs controlling cost."
Eric Bailey, assistant professor, state beef extension specialist, MU Extension, will present "Criteria for culling cows."
Joe Horner, agricultural economics extension specialist in dairy and beef, MU Extension, will present "What it cost to take care of a beef cow."
Mingles of Springfield will cater the evening meal.
"Agriculture businesses that support the event will have booths set up. Attendees can visit and learn how their products can help improve their beef cattle operation," said Davis.
The cost of the event for those who pre-register and pay prior to Feb.14 is $30 per person. No refunds for cancellations after the registration deadline.
Mail payments to the Cedar County MU Extension Center at 113 South Street, Stockton, MO 65785.
You can also register online at Payment at the door will be $40 per person.
To register or for details on this event, contact the Cedar County MU Extension Center at 417-276-3313 or by email to