2020 Arkansas weed, pest, disease management info available

The 2020 versions of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture publications on managing insects, weeds and plant diseases are now available online, through Cooperative Extension Service offices across the state, and, in one case, as a mobile-friendly website.

MP44, Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control, MP144, Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas and MP154, the Arkansas Plant Disease Control Products Guide, have all been updated for the new year, and are available at no cost. They are also available at any of extension’s winter production meetings, which will be taking place throughout January and February. See the updated schedule at http://bit.ly/2020Yield.

The publications, which spell out up-to-date recommendations for managing pests, weeds and diseases in row crop agriculture, as well as fruit, vegetable and garden production and more, are available at no cost. In addition to their availability at CES offices in all 75 counties throughout the state, they are also typically available at winter production meetings and demonstrations organized by the Cooperative Extension Service.

In 2019, the Division of Agriculture released a mobile-friendly version of the MP-144, which is searchable through a web browser (such as Firefox or Google Chrome) on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Learn more about the mobile-friendly database at http://bit.ly/2XhtoEj.