The Iowa Beef Center and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach are teaming up with University of Nebraska to offer a Feedlot Roundtable session at three Iowa locations on Thursday, Feb. 20, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The session will be held in person at West Point, Neb., and via an internet connection at Manchester, Cresco and Ames in Iowa.
Topics for this year’s session include improving safety and health of employees, open feedlot pen management using roller compacted concrete and fly ash, and beef sustainability. In addition, the session will include an ISU beef research update and information on information impacting beef sustainability.
Please preregister by Feb. 18 for the location you will attend using the appropriate contact information as listed below. There’s no cost to attend.
• Delaware County Extension, 1417 N. Franklin St., Manchester. Contact Denise Schwab 319-472-4739.
• Howard County Extension, 132 1st Ave. West, Cresco. Contact Sue Barnes, 563-547-3001.
• ISU Hansen Ag Student Center, 2508 Mortensen Rd, Ames. Contact Iowa Beef Center,, 515-294-2333.
See the Feedlot Roundtable flyer for more information.