Pratt Livestock sale results
Pratt Livestock, Pratt, Kansas, reported receipts of 2,118 head of cattle selling in preliminary results on Feb. 6, compared to 1,123 head on Jan. 30 and 2,528 head a year ago, according to the USDA-Kansas Department of Agriculture Market News, Dodge City, Kansas.
Compared to the previous week limited comparable weights were available. The feeder steers weighing 750 to 800 pounds were steady to firm. The feeder heifers weighing 650 to 850 pounds were selling $3 to $4 higher. There were not enough calves for a market test; however, a higher undertone was noted. The overall demand was good and the quality was average to attractive. The supply included 94% feeder cattle with 66% steers and 34% were heifers; 2% was slaughter cattle with 92% cows, 8% were bulls; and 3% was replacement cattle with 100% bred cows. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 80%.
Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 9 head, 378 lbs., 206.00; 9 head, 415 to 424 lbs., 197.00 to 199.00 (198.34); 30 head, 451 to 469lbs., 193.00 to 197.00 (195.10); 17 head, 506 to 512 lbs., 181.00 to 186.00 (183.78); 51 head, 573 to 598 lbs., 155.50 to 164.00 (160.93); 56 head, 608 to 649 lbs., 153.00 to 163.00 (157.64); 18 head, 665 to 667 lbs., 147.00 to 151.00 (148.33); 64 head, 704 to 747 lbs., 135.50 to 146.50 (139.99); 137 head, 754 to 787 lbs., 135.75 to 154.00 (141.94); 196 head, 802 to 844 lbs., 135.10 to 145.25 (141.33); 217 head, 851 to 890 lbs., 129.00 to 147.10 (135.76); 167 head, 912 to 935 lbs., 127.60 to 138.00 (131.66); 20 head, 953 lbs., 130.00; 28 head, 1136 lbs., 123.10.
Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 5 head, 336 lbs., 174.00; 9 head, 377 to 389 lbs., 155.00 to 158.50 (156.53); 18 head, 425 to 438 lbs., 151.00 to 160.50 (153.10); 57 head, 463 to 493 lbs., 150.00 to 155.50 (152.90); 94 head, 550 to 591 lbs., 133.00 to 146.00 (141.31); 49 head, 600 to 636 lbs., 128.00 to 140.25 (134.50); 90 head, 670 to 699 lbs., 127.00 to 132.00 (129.54); 72 head, 755 to 762 lbs., 128.00 to 136.00 (132.78); 15 head, 799 lbs., 123.50 fleshy; 53 head, 804 to 835 lbs., 123.00 to 135.25 (131.33); 37 head, 871 to 882 lbs., 120.00 to 121.50 (120.69); 21 head, 1041 lbs., 118.50.
Slaughter cattle: Cows, Boner, 80 to 85%, per hundredweight/actual weight, 43 head, 1004 to 1490 lbs., 55.50 to 63.00 (59.71) average dressing. Lean, 85 to 90%, 2 head, 1020 lbs., 44.00 average. Bulls 1 to 2, 3 head, 1635 to 1795 lbs., 80.00 to 83.00 (81.70) average; 1 head, 1430 lbs., 73.50 low.
Replacement cattle: Bred cows, medium and large frame 1 to 2, per head/actual weight, 2 to 8 years old, 2nd to 3rd trimester, 12 head, 975 to 1127 lbs., 1200.00 to 1550.00 (1391.71); 5 to 8 years old, 2nd to 3rd trimester, 29 head, 1115 to 1390 lbs., 925.00 to 1350.00 (1300.51); over 5 years old, 2nd to 3rd trimester, 27 head, 1175 to 1430 lbs., 735.00 to 1030.00 (850.80).