High Plains Community Beekeepers launches

Colorado State University Beekeeper Mentors who recently completed classes in the Colorado State University Beekeeping Mentorship Program are now implementing an area wide club. The club is called the High Plains Community Beekeepers. The goal of the club is to focus on educational topics for beekeeping and aid in networking.

The first meeting is scheduled on March 9 at 6 p.m. at the City Hall in Wray, Colorado, or more commonly known as the Roundhouse. The building is located at 245 West 4th Street. Everyone is welcome. Any interested youth and anyone even interested in hearing what the “buzz” is all about with beekeeping. As one current Colorado Beekeeper Mentor, Linda Wardlaw, states, “I was told the work involved in keeping bees is somewhere between having a goldfish and having a dog as a pet, and that is pretty close to the truth.”

We hope that you will join us at our first meeting. Our aim during the first meeting is to survey those who come to understand the needs in the area communities to know how best to help you. Our vision is to share experiences with each other in order to help each other with beekeeping issues and to bring in experts’ to future meetings to give various topics or do demonstrations.

If you are interested in coming to the first meeting or need further information, please RSVP to CSU Horticulture Agent, Linda Langelo at the Sedgwick County Extension Office at 970-474-3479 by March 6. If you are coming and currently have bees, we are encouraging anyone who still may have some honey from your hives to share with participants.