Wheat is starting to green up

The wheat is getting more green across the field and it is definitely growing. For the next two weeks our temperature highs are in the 60s, even up to 70s. That will definitely be good.

With the coronavirus and the drop in the futures last week plus the stock market, most cattlemen with cattle or wheat are trying to figure out what to do. If they rent the wheat pasture then they are at the mercy of the landowner and you know a lot of true farmers like cutting wheat no matter what it is worth. I look for more cattle to try to avoid this time to sell hoping the market will rebound and graze more out.

Cattle futures Monday made a big rally and started out that way Tuesday but later in the day were falling some.

We sold a string of longhorn cattle Tuesday. The herd was started by Ralph Chain, which was a herd that was driven from Texas to Dodge City, Kansas. Ralph’s two kids, Andrea and Monte Chain, and his nephew that he was raising, Wes Sander, were on this trail drive. Ralph bought two pair and one bull of these longhorns at Dodge and started this original longhorn herd. One of these calves on these two cows was later known as famous longhorn bull Don Quixote, and producers used his semen to artificially inseminate cows all across this country.

I was listening to a preacher last Sunday on TV. He was talking about how some people are going to criticize you no matter what you do. He said he was a people pleaser and for a long time he simply wanted everyone to like him. But he finally realized some people are not going to like you and some will very gladly criticize you.

Now with social media, people will gladly do that, possibly without ever even visiting with you or knowing you at all. He said when he started preaching another preacher outlined to him what he thought he should do. And in his own heart he knew that wasn’t what he was supposed to do. Another person told him after his church grew that he had forgotten where he came from.

He jokingly said, “No, I know where we came from and I’m thankful where God has taken us.”

A friend of mine bought his grandson a donkey. He let his grandson ride and he walked along side of the donkey. A man walked by and said, “Well, would you look at that kid? He is so lazy that he is making his grandpa walk.”

So they switched and the grandpa rode while the boy walked. Another man came by and said, “Would you look at that lazy grandpa? He is making his grandson walk while he rides.”

So they both got on the donkey then another man came by and said, “Well, that is pathetic. Both of them riding. I feel sorry for that donkey.”

So they got off and carried the donkey.

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.