
Read Psalm 34:17-22

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. —Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

Along the coast of Maine, artisans were selling jewelry made from sea glass, which begins as bottles or glass left on the shore as trash. Over time, they are broken into pieces and tumbled by the ocean until sharp edges and shiny surfaces become softened, frosted gems that are then reclaimed by artisans.

Each piece of glass is one of a kind, just like each person uniquely created by God. After talking to an artist about sea glass, I realized that if broken pieces of glass can be transformed into prized treasures, God can do even more for any of us who feel broken, lost, or crushed in spirit.

No matter how broken we might be, God sees the good in each of us. When we are willing, God can soften sharp edges and sand away our flaws so that we become works of art, shining forth the beauty God created in us. If a discarded piece of trash from the sea can be transformed into something of value, think how much more value God places on rescuing each of us—God’s children.

Prayer—Dear God, through the power of your presence, transform us to new life now and forever. Amen.

Thought for the Day—God can transform my brokenness into something beautiful.

—Robert K. Abel, Maryland