Rainwater Basin Wetland Management project

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has been awarded a $75,000 grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust for the Rainwater Basin Wetland Management project.

Game and Parks is a partner with the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture and is committed to providing optimal habitat on private and public lands for migrating waterfowl in the Rainwater Basin. This will be accomplished by increasing wetland management to reduce invasive plant species and increase desirable food-producing plants.

Prescribed management will address dense stands of invasive reed canarygrass, river bulrush, cattail, trees, and common reed because they provide limited habitat for wetland dependent migratory birds and outcompete desirable plants. Contractors will disk, apply herbicide, complete prescribed burns and grazing improvements, and remove trees.

This is the first year of award for Game and Parks with a potential for second- and third-year funding totaling $75,000 each year, respectively.