Blue jackets, bright futures

The FFA corduroy jacket is more than part of official dress. To its owner, the FFA jacket is a physical reminder of the personal accomplishments achieved through the organization—a symbol of commitment and dedication for all who wear the corduroy. The jacket unifies members in a long-standing tradition and reminds them that they are part of something larger than themselves. Let’s give every member the chance to be part of the tradition. The South Dakota FFA Foundation Blue Jackets Bright Futures FFA Jacket Program is helping carry forward that long-standing tradition of pride, dignity and honor, by providing jackets for members to earn through a short essay application.

The SD FFA Foundation is seeking sponsors with a goal of 350 jackets to award Oct. 1. Jackets can be designated for a specific chapter, or for any student in need.

When students join the FFA, they typically purchase or borrow jackets to compete in the many Career Development Events offered through FFA. The jacket is their team "uniform" to be worn at all official FFA events.

Individuals and businesses interested in sponsoring an FFA jacket for a SD FFA member can do so online at, or contact Gerri Ann Eide, SD FFA Foundation executive director at 605-765-4865 or [email protected]. Sponsorships are $80 and include a jacket, an FFA tie or scarf and full shipping to deliver to the member.