Wyoming COVID relief offered

Two new programs recently opened to help Wyoming nonprofits and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the University of Wyoming Extension.

The two Wyoming funds are taking applications for relief using the COVID funds provided in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.

The Relief Fund is for small businesses and nonprofits that have lost revenue due to public health orders and/or have incurred COVID-19 related expenses. The Mitigation Fund is for all businesses and nonprofits that incurred employee and customer health and safety expenses that were a direct impact of COVID-19, said Cole Ehmke, agricultural entrepreneurship and personal finance specialist.

The Wyoming Business Council is managing the process and has created a spreadsheet template to use to put the numbers together before applying. There is also a flow chart to guide the calculation of relief—based on whether or not the business was required to close.

Applications can include future extraordinary expenses like payroll and supplies related to business interruptions projected through the end of the year. There will be some money come available for the Relief Fund later in the year for businesses that might see impacts over the rest of the summer, like tourism businesses.

Ehmke said the Mitigation Fund is for health and safety equipment for businesses and all IRS-registered nonprofits—actual COVID-related expenses that occurred after March 1 through the end of the year.

For those considering applying, keep in mind that: Those who had applied for the Interruption Funds should use the same username and entity details. The Wyoming Business Council prefers applications for the Relief Fund before applying for the Mitigation Fund. The maximum for the Relief Fund is $300,000, and $500,000 for the Mitigation fund. Entities may only apply once. The available funds total $225 million.

“The money will be issued on a first come, first served basis, so don’t delay in applying,” Ehmke said. Details and application are available at https://www.wyobizrelief.org/.