Aberdeen feeder cattle auction results

Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, South Dakota, reported receipts of 4,253 head of feeder cattle selling on Sept. 23, compared to 3,602 head on Sept. 16 and 4,829 head a year ago, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Worthing, South Dakota.

Compared to the previous week, the steers weighing 750 to 800 pounds were mostly steady, those 850 to 1,050 pounds were selling $2 to $4 lower except those 950 to 1,000 pounds were mostly steady. The best test was on heifers weighing 850 to 900 pounds and 950 to 1,000 pounds were mostly steady. There was good to very good demand for another large yearling offering, which sold on an active market. Many strings were featured, both steers and heifers, with most of these coming off grass. Many of the packages offered were home raised tested open heifers. The quality was mostly attractive and the flesh wasa mostly light to moderate. A good crowd of buyers attended the sale. The bean harvest is just getting started and some corn is coming off as well. The weather has been warm and dry. The supply included 100% feeder cattle with 56% steers and 44% was heifers. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 100%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 77 head, 650 to 688 lbs., 158.00 to 160.00 (159.86); 127 head, 769 to 794 lbs., 146.75 to 153.75 (152.80); 170 head, 809 to 840 lbs., 143.50 to 153.50 (149.54); 682 head, 861 to 887 lbs., 135.00 to 146.25 (140.06); 509 head, 901 to 939 lbs., 135.50 to 142.50 (141.15); 369 head, 951 to 996 lbs., 133.25 to 139.00 (137.58). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 17 head, 667 lbs., 154.00; 20 head, 734 lbs., 140.00. Large frame 1, 191 head, 1004 to 1048 lbs., 125.00 to 137.50 (133.63); 14 head, 1077 lbs., 123.00.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 11 head, 626 lbs., 138.50; 38 head, 651 to 678 lbs., 139.00 to 139.50 (139.14); 121 head, 702 to 746 lbs., 133.50 to 141.00 (139.33); 98 head, 756 to 794 lbs., 137.50 to 139.00 (138.28); 45 head, 824 to 847 lbs., 130.00 to 134.00 (131.65); 563 head, 853 to 892 lbs., 129.00 to 136.30 (133.93); 335 head, 902 to 938 lbs., 126.75 to 134.00 (132.30); 463 head, 951 to 988 lbs., 125.75 to 132.00 (131.57). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 10 head, 646 lbs., 132.00. Large frame 1, 14 head, 1023 to 1038 lbs., 121.00 to 127.00 (124.45).