Stressed about weaning? Your calves don’t have to be

 The story of weaning and receiving calves is a familiar one across the country and it is soon upon us. As grass is drying up and fall has arrived it is time to formulate a plan for weaning.

Bawling calves, stressed rumens, long truck rides and new environments all add up quickly to high stress conditions. Let Midcontinent Livestock Supplements, Moberly, Missouri, help manage through with MLS #5 Stress Tub that offers targeted nutrition specifically formulated for weaning, receiving, or other high stress situations.

Cattle producers alike know that the greatest products in the world mean nothing if your calves won’t eat it, or in high enough amounts, which puts palatability at the top of the list. Midcontinent Livestock Supplements solely manufactures low-moisture cooked molasses tubs and the #5 Stress Tub is a favorite that delivers more targeted nutrition than other competing stress tubs in the market. Through the cooking process we are able to blend liquid and dry ingredients to deliver the right amount of proper nutrition upon arrival or immediately at weaning right when you need it most,

The importance of a highly palatable #5 MLS Stress Tub yields consistent consumption for every calf in the pen. After being weaned, hauled, and potentially ending up in a radically new environment it is not uncommon to find calves uninterested in eating. Lack of interest in feed coupled with the stress of weaning and or receiving can set the immune system up for some major and costly challenges. The #5 Stress Tub provides a solution that entices calves to start eating quickly, getting critical nutrients into the rumen right from the start without delay, helping to prepare the immune system for a variety of challenges that are sure to come in the next 30 to 45 days of life.

The goal of the #5 is to get between 1 and 2 pounds per calf per day of product into each calf from day one as they transition onto feed or the next appropriate tub product. This allows calves, whether in receiving pens, small traps or on pasture, unrestricted access to this critical nutrition 24/7 in a self-fed delivery. Weaning, receiving and backgrounding calves can be risky enough, but incorporating MLS #5 Stress tubs can give those calves a leg up into the next stage of the production cycle.

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