Tulsa cattle auction summary

Tulsa Stockyards, Tulsa, Oklahoma, reported receipts of 4,557 head of cattle selling on Jan. 18, according to the USDA-Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Market News, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City.

Compared to the previous week, the steers were selling $3 to $5 lower. The heifers were mostly steady to $2 higher. The demand was good. The quality was plain and several were attractive. The slaughter cows mostly steady to $2 higher. The slaughter bulls were steady. A total of 383 cows and bulls was sold with 62% going to packers. The supply included 92% feeder cattle with 48% steers, 44% were heifers and 9% were bulls; 7% were slaughter cattle with 86% cows and 14% were bulls; and 1% was replacement cattle with 85% bred cows and 15% were bred heifers. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 30%.