Rain brought needed relief for wheat producers

We received some very nice rains this past week with most getting from half of an inch to 3 inches depending on where you were. It is really making a difference in the wheat already and with $6 wheat most farmers are going to cut their wheat.

I looked at the cattle feeder futures with several months August through November all being over $158 per hundredweight. I just don’t figure why people are that aggressive. I realize high price grain makes producers feed cattle less days in the feedlot but that is only if the packer lets you.

And it seems to me we haven’t had much to say about when we are able to sell them our cattle and how many days we put on them. And come to think about it, we haven’t had much to say about price. I figured those feeders were costing $158 per hundredweight and if the cost of gain was $120 per hundredweight then the breakeven five months later would be $138.57. But if they feed for a dollar a pound on the gain then the breakeven is $130. So if they feed for a dollar they only lose $15 per head but if they feed for $120 then they lose $134 per head. If you are a packer I assume you will still make $400 to $500. What a deal.

The preacher said Sunday, “People don’t need your judgment they need your compassion.” He also said if you lose your why then you lose your way.

One lady said, “If you see my kids locked outside today then do not worry. We are doing school at home today so I decided it was time for a fire drill.”

There were two cowboys who went fishing. They cast their lines out several times until one ole cowboy thought he had a fish. But instead it was a bottle. A genie popped out and says, “Hey cowboy, this is your lucky day. I’m going to grant you any wish you want.”

The older cowboy said, “Well, if I were younger I know what I would ask for. But at my age I just wish this whole lake would turn into beer.” Then all of a sudden the whole lake was beer.

Then the other cowboy said, “Well, now look what you did. I guess we will have to pee in the boat.”

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.