High Plains Journal’s Alfalfa U events coming in February 2022

High Plains Journal’s popular Alfalfa U events will return to an in-person format in 2022 with a virtual option offered as well. One in-person event will be held Feb. 22 in Dodge City, Kansas, at the Boot Hill Casino & Resort Conference Center, and the second is scheduled for Feb. 24 in Reno, Nevada, at the Grand Sierra Resort.

Sponsored by Alforex Seeds and John Deere, Alfalfa U provides a diverse line-up of alfalfa educational sessions, engaging farmer panels and plenty of networking opportunities for growers.

Speakers for the Dodge City location include Dwight Scholl, manager at Tri Rotor Crop Services in Lakin, Kansas; Alex Rocateli, associate professor and Extension specialist for forage systems at Oklahoma State University; Joe Brummer, associate professor and Extension forage specialist at Colorado State University; and Michael Brouk, professor and dairy Extension specialist at Kansas State University. Mark Peterson speaking on behalf of John Deere.

The Reno location speakers will include Glenda Blindert, crop insurance agent at Blindert Insurance Agency; Dan Putnam, cooperative Extension specialist and agronomist at the University of California, Davis; and Glenn Shewmaker, emeritus professor and forage specialist at the University of Idaho. Additionally, Don Miller, director of product development at Alforex Seeds, will speak at both locations. Jackson Teubert will be speaking on behalf of John Deere and Spencer Douglas will speak from Staheli West.

The topics covered in the educational sessions will include forage insurance, fertility management, alfalfa herbicides, drought management, pest management strategies and alfalfa cutting tactics to maximize potential. Alfalfa U events are free to attendees, lunch is provided as well as opportunities for Certified Crop Adviser CEU credits.

To learn more about the Alfalfa U speakers, view the complete schedule or pre-register for the Dodge City or Reno events or the virtual option, visit hpj.com/alfalfau/. Questions can be directed to kreiss@hpj.com.