MWGA donates $100,000 to new Montana wool lab

The Montana Wool Growers Association recently held its annual convention in Billings. A highlight of the event was 2021 MWGA President Ken McKamey presenting a check for $100,000 to Montana State University President Waded Cruzado for the Montana Wool Lab building project.

The origin of the donated funds came from the Montana Wool Growers Education and Research Endowment. Commonly called the memorial fund, most of the money in the fund came from donations in memory of sheep industry leaders. These memorial donations have been growing with hopes of spending the funds on sheep industry improvements and research. The 2021 Montana Legislature approved $5 million for the wool lab project, with an additional $1 million to be raised from industry. This donation goes toward meeting that fundraising goal.

The Montana Wool Lab is currently located on the north end of MSU Bozeman’s campus in a building built in 1947. The Montana Wool Lab serves sheep producers, researchers and the wool industry in Montana and across the United States.