
Read Matthew 22:34-40

Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”—Matthew 22:39 (NRSV)

Social media has captivated our world. The internet and wireless communications have created unprecedented global interaction. But in spite of this connection, our society is experiencing a surge of loneliness.

In response to this loneliness, there are now programs in large metropolitan areas to encourage socializing. The United Kingdom even has a “Minister for Loneliness” to combat social isolation and reduce associated health risks. These are new public strategies to battle loneliness, but what is my personal strategy as a Christian?

The obvious one is to love my neighbor as myself. Jesus told us that the greatest commandments are to love God and love others. But this law of love often illuminates my shortcomings. In stores, doctors’ offices, my neighborhood, or other public places, I can easily become self-absorbed and oblivious to those around me—sometimes while on my cell phone. Instead of connecting with those who physically cross my path, I become captivated by virtual connections. I now pray for help to be present in the moment and attentively greet the people around me. Our individual efforts to live Jesus’ commandment and ease loneliness in our world can feel insignificant. But when Christians truly seek to love God and love others, we can make a real difference.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help us to live your commandment to love you and to love others. Amen.

Thought for the day: Today I will show God’s love by greeting people I meet.

—Beverly Taylor, Arizona