SGBI honors hall of fame inductees

Santa Gertrudis Breeders International recently hosted its 2022 annual meeting in Lexington, Kentucky. Honoring the SGBI Hall of Fame inductees is always a highlight of the annual event.

For 30-plus years, Hoover Case of Marshfield, Missouri, has been the voice on the block for the Santa Gertrudis breed. His distinctive chant, pleasant personality, and occasional admonishments to the ol’ boys who come up one bid short have made him a favorite with Santa Gertrudis breeders from coast to coast. Case has dedicated most of his life to auctioneering purebred cattle.

His father, Willis Case, founded the Case Auction Company in 1939. Willis’ knowledge of farm real estate along with his farm equipment and livestock knowledge helped establish Case Auction Company as the farm real estate specialists in southern Missouri. However, it was in 1966 when 16-year-old Case stepped into the sale ring with his Charolais heifer at the American Royal Charolais Sale that he knew he wanted a career as an auctioneer—not just an auctioneer but a purebred livestock auctioneer.

Following graduation from Missouri State University in 1970, Case joined his father as a partner in Case Auction Company, launching the purebred livestock sales division. Over the years, Case Auction Services evolved into a nationally recognized company, providing marketing, auctioneering and sale management services for purebred livestock operations across the United Sates.

In addition to marketing Santa Gertrudis cattle, Case has supported numerous breed events and activities and is quick to share the breed’s successes with cattlemen nationwide. Hoover and his wife, Susan, continue to operate Case Real Estate in Marshfield.