A strategy that appears to be paying off

This is the best time I have ever seen to switch old cows or big fat cows and buy a young bred cow or pair.

And some of the big butcher cows figured $1,600 to $1,700 per head. Plus, the small calves are a good price too. We sold old cows that were thin that we split weighing 1,158 pounds and brought $80.89 figured $936.93 and their calves weighed 260 pounds with half heifers and other half bull calves that brought $512.50, which figures $1,449.43 for an old pair with no teeth and thin.

That makes a very good down payment on a young pair. And feeder cattle are gaining strength in price every week.

The last on feed report was supposed to be negative and the very next showing on feeder futures was the opposite of what they predicted. I think that shows a lack of trust in the reports. And any time they come back and they revise a report there should be an investigation of why. My thinking is get it right before you put it out.

We need a rain again but probably more than that is we need cheaper gas and diesel. And we need a big change in policy to start building factories here and quit being so dependent on other countries. If China wants to pay its help 30 cents an hour let them but put a big import tax on its stuff coming in our country to make our stuff cheaper.

At church Sunday they gave all the dads a book called “Minute Motivators for Men.” It is written by Stan Toler. It is single-page thoughts that make a lot of sense and is good for a lot of us to think about. One thing it said is there are many things you can’t control. You can’t control the weather, the traffic, the actions of your boss or the outcome of a sporting event. But there is one thing you can control and that is your attitude. Choose to be a positive thinker. Make it a habit to look for the best instead of the worst, wear a smile and give the other guy a break. It’s your life after all so take charge of it. What you think—you are.

If a cowboy is happy does that make him a Jolly Rancher?

An invisible man and invisible woman were married. I’m not sure what they saw in each other. And their kids were nothing to look at either.

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.