Company offers canal automation technology to save water

Rubicon Water, Fort Collins, Colorado, has designed a more precise way of matching water supply with farmer demand.

With Rubicon’s solution, gate structures are automated and actuated to open and close as needed while the software calculates demand and flow requirements so accurately, that water loss is almost completely eliminated. Data derived from weather stations, soil moisture probes and satellite imagery of crop patterns are computed to accurately calculate how water should be ordered by farmers and distributed throughout the canal network.

While the technology has a price tag, Rubicon Water’s automation almost always pays for itself very quickly, in a matter of just a handful of years, by saving water and improving operational efficiencies. Members of staff can be utilized for other vital maintenance and development functions instead of opening and closing gates manually. Outcomes of automation can be predicted accurately and set-up costs forecast to the last dime. Irrigation managers know the outcome before they spend and win support to move ahead. For more information, see a representative or visit