The Kansas Department of Agriculture has published a Kansas Agribusiness Commodity Flow Study, which analyzes the movement of crops, livestock, and other agricultural products within and from the state of Kansas. The study was the result of a need identified through KDA’s Ag Growth Strategy project which indicated that multiple sectors across Kansas agriculture would benefit from a thorough understanding of commodity flow both intra and interstate.
The report identifies key value-added processing, market, and demand points while assessing the role and utilization of infrastructure essential to commodity movement. Results from the report include information about net outflows of feed ingredients, the role played by road and rail infrastructure in the agriculture supply chain, and how Kansas leverages strong local synergies to add value in livestock production and processing.
“We look forward to seeing how this information will benefit our partners across the Kansas agriculture industry as the study provides detailed analysis of the movement of agricultural products,” said Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam. “It will help identify where opportunities exist to enhance commodity flow and improve market efficiency and competitiveness of Kansas agriculture both domestically and globally.”
The study was conducted by Decision Innovative Solutions with input from the Kansas Department of Transportation, agricultural commodity organizations, and several industry partners. Results from the study are now available to the public, and will be utilized by policy makers, stakeholders, and other members of the Kansas agriculture industry.
To view the full study, visit the KDA website at For more information about the study, please contact the KDA economist, Tori Laird, at 785-564-6726 or [email protected].