State-by-state hay summary

Hay Markets

Colorado – In the June 29 report, compared to last report, trade activity very light on good demand. First cutting hay is still struggling to get put into a bale in most regions, while the San Luis Valley has been fighting for dew to put up hay. Due to limited sales and price changes, this report will be released bi-weekly until more volumes of hay move.

Missouri – In the July 6 report, compared to last report, hay demand is good to very good. The supply is light. Hay prices are firm. The hay market continues to be active with demand far outpacing supplies. Some rain fell in parts of the state. This could be enough to save a grain crop, but pastures as well as grain fields will need a shift in the weather pattern and much more rain to really change overall conditions. Culling of livestock is becoming common as there just isn’t enough feed and cost of feeding now till perhaps next spring just don’t pencil out any profit.

Nebraska – In the July 6 report, compared to last report, round and square bales of alfalfa and grass hay sold steady. Ground and delivered hay sold sharply lower. Dehydrated alfalfa pellets sold steady. Demand was good from areas in drought conditions with light demand in areas that have been getting some rain showers. Many alfalfa producers continue to struggle on getting up good dry bales of hay in the central and western areas. Demand for good, green baled hay still exist, but not quite a good as it was last year. It may be another month before livestock owners get to looking and start buying hay for winter needs. Several talks of pivots of cane and millet has been planted in different areas of the state. Also, some hay experts say alfalfa hay will follow the price of corn down. Guess time will tell on what the market will be this summer and fall.

Oklahoma – In the July 7 report, compared to the last report, compared to the last report, hay trade is slow with limited demand. Hay is slowly beginning to move but, rainfall continues across Oklahoma. With the rain, many are having trouble putting up their second or third cutting of hay. As most ranchers and farmers continue to try and restock their hay inventory the hay trade will continue to be slow. Next report will be released on July 21.

Texas – In the June 30 report, compared to the last report, hay prices are mostly steady in all regions. Trading activity was mostly inactive on very limited demand. Contracting for summer and fall hay hasn’t started taking place yet, only a few small trades have been reported. Pastures in most regions are still adequate from late spring and summer rains. However, extreme heat in the Panhandle, west, north, central and south are beginning to take a toll on top soil moisture levels. Crops and pastures are still in good shape but if the extreme heat and limited moisture continue they are at a risk of burning up. First cutting of alfalfa and grass hay has been cut, however untimely rains in the majority of the regions has a good portion of the crop being marketed as commercial cow hay. Next report will be released July 14.

South Dakota – In the July 7 report, compared to last report, alfalfa hay steady. Good demand remains for all types of hay as the dry spring which expanded into a drought greatly affected tonnage of hay put up so far this year. There was some rain this week, which was greatly needed, that did affect some who were making their second cutting of alfalfa. Cool weather has moved into the area, slowing the drying down as well and making it difficult to put up nice hay.

New Mexico – In the July 7 report, compared to last report, alfalfa hay steady. Trade active, demand good. Alfalfa hay is at 93% finished with the first cutting and 52% finished with second cutting. Most hay producers in the southern part of the state are finishing their third cutting . The northern part of the state is in the first cutting. Drought conditions are improving some. According to New Mexico Crop Progress Report by National Agricultural Statistics Service, New Mexico Field Office, hay and roughage supplies were reported as 29% very short, 50% short, 18% adequate, and 3% surplus. Stock water supplies were reported as 45% very short, 21% short, 33% adequate and 1% surplus.

Wyoming – In the July 6 report, compared to last report, sun-cured alfalfa pellets sold steady with alfalfa cubes trading $20 higher. Very little hay put up on first cutting across the state. Several producers continue to seek a window where the rain showers might stop so they can produce some alfalfa hay bales. There will be tons of discolored first cutting alfalfa for sale this year. More than likely it will go to a feedlot to be ground into a ration. Some producers are very concerned where they will find enough green, dry and non-rained on hay to full fill orders to the dairy clients they have. Next week is the second week in July and many producers are just trying to finish up first cutting of alfalfa.

Montana – In the July 7 report, compared to last report, the new crop hay market has yet to fully establish. Demand from out of state buyers was moderate while demand from in state buyers is light. Most producers are still trying to put up first cutting as wet conditions have kept them from cutting or bailing. Hay is abundant and supplies are heavy. With the sell off of cows in recent years hay supplies have far out paced demand this year. Many ranchers are putting up enough of their own hay, and are not needing to buy any additional hay. Producers are trying to put up as much hay in squares as they can, hoping to ship it to drought stricken regions. New crop contracts found very light demand as heavy supplies have caused buyers to have little interest in securing supplies, for now. Demand for hay to ship south has given some producers hope as prices for hay in drought stricken areas remain high, with some portions of Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico all seeing prices over $300/ton for high quality alfalfa.