There seems to be a lot of jacking around going on in the cattle futures. Some say maybe we went too high but most of us selling feeder cattle didn’t think so. And then they say we probably fell too far.
One commodity guy said yes and when they drop like that they want to burn down our building but when they are going up they feel it is very justified. Yes, I would admit most of us are very greedy. I don’t know about your expenses but everything I buy is higher. And then our interest rates have doubled.

We did receive a nice snow and you very rarely hear me use those two words together. We got 6 to 7 inches of snow so hopefully that is at least a half of an inch of moisture.
On Tuesday during the day January feeders had moved $8.25 per hundredweight, so early then fell over $4 per hundredweight and then rebounded where they were about that much higher than the previous day. Last Friday and Monday was close to a blood bath in the cattle futures. January feeder futures from their highs to last Monday had fallen $55 per hundredweight. So with our rally on Tuesday hopefully we can gain some more ground and go higher.
It is nice to see some wheat pasture around the country. In our area you see some wheat barely planted some 3 or 4 inches tall with one farmer saying he had some 14 inches tall. I haven’t seen any of that.
Last week we were preg checking some heifers. There was a 7-year-old boy there. One heifer that calved early had a 300-pound calf. So one man told him he would give him $50 to ride that calf. So two of us penned the calf against the corral and he got on but we had to pry his hands off the fence. It was fun and brought back memories of when my boys were younger.
Some of you had a little break here at Thanksgiving. But husbands need a break a lot of times during the year cause it is hard being the best thing that ever happened to their wife. Oh, I think some temperatures just went up on a few females.
Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.