Nominations sought for Colorado Noxious Weed Advisory Committee

Late spring and early summer rains have helped crops but have weeds have also benefited from the moisture. (Journal photo by Dave Bergmeier.)

The Colorado Noxious Weed Advisory Committee, a critical link between the citizens of Colorado and the Colorado Department of Agriculture, is seeking nominations to fill three vacant positions representing the interests of a public or private weed scientist, a municipal government representative, and a county government representative.

The primary responsibility of the committee is to discuss Colorado’s weed management challenges and craft solutions that best reflect public and private interests. The committee makes recommendations to the Department concerning designation and classification of state noxious weeds; development and implementation of state weed management plans; and prescribed techniques for eradication, containment, and suppression of state noxious weeds.

“The members of this committee play an important role in shaping Department and State policy concerning noxious weeds. Their recommendations help protect landowners, agricultural lands and the environment,” said Patty York, the Noxious Weed Program manager.

The committee’s seventeen members are appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture and represent varying interests and geographic locations on the committee. Members serve two year terms and the committee meets quarterly, with most meetings occurring at CDA’s Broomfield office and including a virtual option. At least one meeting and corresponding field trip are usually held out of the Denver area annually. 

Nominations must be submitted through an online application form no later than Jan. 24, 2024. For more information, please view the Noxious Weed Program’s Advisory Committee web page