‘Persevering through challenges in the swine industry’ is the theme for the K-State conference.
Kansas State University’s 2024 Swine Profitability Conference is planned for Feb. 6 in Manhattan.
The annual Swine Profitability Conference focuses on providing information to improve knowledge for pork producer business decisions. “We host two major swine events each year at K-State. At Swine Day, we share our latest research results. At Swine Profitability Conference, we focus on business decisions and industry-wide issues facing pork producers,” says Mike Tokach, K-State Department of Animal Sciences & Industry distinguished professor and swine extension specialist. “The lineup of speakers this year bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to help producers increase their competitiveness.”
The conference will feature speakers from an array of swine-related businesses and organizations, including:
- Steve Meyer, Partners in Production Agriculture senior economist, will discuss U.S. pork and meat outlook.
- Dr. Chad Mire, National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Foreign Arthropod-Borne Animal Disease Research Unit Research Leader, will discuss the NBAF capabilities.
- Dr. Marcelo Almeida, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor, will talk about recent trends in swine health diagnostic cases.
- Bryan Humphreys, National Pork Producers Council CEO, will discuss the U.S. pork industry.
- Dan Gerety, J-Six Farms Manager and CEO, will speak on building a generational legacy.
“The 33rd Annual Profitability Conference has a renowned group of speakers that will provide direct information on status of the U.S. pork industry, discuss U.S. swine disease patterns, detail world-renowned swine disease research capabilities to safe-guard the U.S. swine herd and provide direct experiences from a Kansas family swine operation,” says Joel DeRouchey, K-State Extension swine specialist. “This conference has a strong reputation for sharing relevant information to improve production for Kansas swine producers.”
The conference will take place at the Stanley Stout Center, 2200 Denison Avenue. The day begins with coffee and donuts at 9:15 a.m. and the program starting at 9:30 a.m. Lunch is included in the conference, which will end at 3 p.m.
Pre-registration is $25 per participant and due by Jan. 26. Attendees can register at the door for $50 per participant. More information, including online registration, is available at KSUSwine.org.