Southeast Panhandle Ag Conference set for Jan. 16 in Clarendon

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will host the Southeast Panhandle Agriculture Conference on Jan. 16 in Clarendon.
Hosted by the AgriLife Extension offices in Donley, Hall and Briscoe counties, the event will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Donley County Activity Center, 4430 Texas Highway 70.
Registration is $20 and is payable at the door, but an RSVP is required. Lunch will be provided. To RSVP, contact the AgriLife Extension office in Donley County at 806-874-2141.
A total of five Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units will be available, including three general, one laws and regulations, and one integrated pest management.
There also will be demonstrations from local and area representatives showcasing new technologies and products for 2024.
Conference speakers and topics
The conference topics will include:
- Management of cotton diseases and nematodes – Terry Wheeler, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant pathologist and professor in the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Lubbock.
- Cotton market outlook – John Robinson, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension cotton economist and professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Bryan-College Station.
- Cotton weed management decisions for 2024 – Peter Dotray, Ph.D., AgriLife Research weed scientist and professor in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Lubbock.
- Crop budgets – DeDe Jones, AgriLife Extension risk management program specialist, Amarillo.
- Laws and regulations update – Leonard Haynes, AgriLife Extension ag and natural resources agent in Donley County.
- Cotton agronomics – Ken Lege, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension cotton agronomist, Lubbock.